Fish suggestions for a 29 gallon reef?


Hello all,
Ok, I am in need of adding some fish to my tank. I currently have a maroon clown hosted in a bta, a squas clam, a cleaner shrimp, lots of various coral, hermits, snails ect.
I would like to add a couple of new fish but would like some advice. Also, the maroon is a bit possessive of his tank. He does not even like me to stick my hand in there.
Here are some I am considering.
1) six line wrasse. Nice looking and potential benefit to the clam.
2) bangai cardinal. A pair. Also nice looking, but concerned about the maroon attacking them.
3) some type of blenny or goby. Not a jaw fish. I had two of these commit suicide on me.
4) yellow tang. Yes I know many forbid them in a 29 gallon, but with just two or possibly three fish, lots of rock work and hiding places, and the fact that I plan to upgrade to a 90 or 120 gallon within a year (before the tank would grow very much) than maybe he would go well. The lfs has some small yellows on sale right now.
Any suggestions?


Active Member
A sixline or fourline wrasse would look really nice, as would any suitable reef safe wrasse. I'd be a bit hesitant on the bangaii's as well. How long has that clown been established? A gramma or longnose hawkfish would be cool. You could possibly look into a dwarf angel, but I'd be a little hesitant. What kind of blenny and or goby are you looking at? A clown goby would really look nice in some sps colonies. Hold off on the tang until you do get a larger tank. HTH. Bo


six line are always nice additions. Bangaii cardinal would also be OK. Try a couple of fire fish or purple firefish. They are active and colorful. Most likely your Clown will harrass anything you put in the tank initially but things will sort themselves out once the pecking order is established. I would stay away from the dwarf angels as pretty small amount of lr in a 29 for them to graze from.


I have a bicolor blenny in my 30. He is pretty cool. He was a little shy at first, but now he is all over the place. Sometimes my clown gives him a little trouble, but he can hold his own.
The great thing about him is that he helps clean up the tank by eating algae.


I am really leaning to a six line. Thus, what would go well with a six line and a maroon. An agressive maroon!
I like the idea of a longnose hawk! Would he be good?
I was considering
-manderen(sp) goby, except I have not had great success with keeping fish, possibly due to my maroon, possibly due to unstable water conditions. They are now stable.
-clown goby
-redlip blenny
-midas blenny
I just added a dsb to my tank, so 1) the dsb is not well established, even thought the tank water is, 2) I do not want something that would be detrimental to the dsb.
I don't think a firefish would enjoy a 29 gallon tank with a mean maroon. I had a firefish, two jawfish, and two chromis over the last year or so die, either do to the maroon or the water. The water is doing good now.
I have had the maroon for about a year. He is medium to slightly large for a maroon. He bites me everytime I put my hand in the tank.

I like him though.
Grouper? Why do you recommend against bangai?


Active Member
I have a couple of gobies in my little 5 gallon and my clown goby is cool and so is my shrimp or prawn goby!! I have been doing some research and they say to keep the long filament prawn gobies in pairs - so I am looking for another one. Also - the mandarin needs a huge supply of cop.s and most people suggest 75-100 pounds of live rock in a well aged aquarium .... in orderto keep them fed.
I'll try and get a better picture of my shrimp/prawn goby!


OK, no mandarin.
The bicolor blenny or the prawn goby might be cool. Any blenny I get though has to be able to accept regular food as well as feeding off of algea since I have very little algea in my tank. Well now I just jinked myself. When I go home my tank will be full of algea.


Active Member
I would run fishless. Just me though.
A clown is cool. Maybe a Green Chromis or three but thats about it. In a small tank, it becomes crowded quick alohough the wrasse mentioned above would be fine.


I have actually went with only this one maroon for quite a few months. Everyone keeps asking me where the fish are. I try to point out the other animals, but they all like to see something moving a lot.
I had the two chromis before. I like schooling fish, but it does not have the same effect in a 29gallon.
I like fish that have a purpose other than pooping in my tank. Like the maroon feeds my bta and protects the bta from my shrimp. The six line would help keep the clam free of parasites(sp) or other critters. Possibly some other goby or blenny that will eat algea, but that can survive without algea, and will not detroy my dsb. Three is plenty.
Otherwise I like crabs and shrimp.
BTW, in a porceline(sp) crab the same as an anemone crab? Does it need an anemone to survive? Any problems with them?
I was thinking of getting one instead of an emerald due to the problems emerald can cause. I don't have bubble algea so that is not a concern.


Active Member
Well, the pooping feeds the corals and other criters... They all have a purpose...
I know what you mean about people asking where all the fish are. I had 3 in my 180 reef and people thought I was stupid. I like coral. Fish are cool, but they do require things...


Ok then,
If I got a six line, which would be best for the third and last fish
-bicolor blenny
-midas blenny
-longnose hawkfish
-clown goby
Remembering the criteria, must not need the dsb to feed off of, must not detroy the dsb or attempt to, if an algea eater must be able to be feed and not be dependant on algea.


Active Member
I had a 29g going with a couple percs, a very very small riterri, a sixline wrasse, and 2 firefish. I would have to say the wrasse was my favorite, but he wiped out my flatworms in like 2 seconds flat:(