Fish Suggestions for a 55 Gal.


New Member
I'd appreciate some opinions on fish to add to a fairly new tank. Tank looks very good so far, here's what I have:
2 oscillaris clowns
8 zebra hermits
2 blue hermits
1 black brittle star
2 cleaner shrimp
4 peppermint shrimp
1 camelback shrimp
1 turbo snail
1 fighting conch
25 lbs. Tongan live rock
I'm running an Aqua C Remora and an Emperor 400. No fancy lights, just fluorescents.
The clowns just seem to stay in the front right corner, going up and down the glass, top to bottom. Is that normal?
I plan to add an orange diamond (sleeper) goby when the tank is ready, about 6 mos from now.
I'd also like to add some active fish. I've learned that my tank is too small for a tang, but I'm not sure if that's true of all tangs or just some.
For active fish, would a group of 3-4 green chromis work out within this setup?
Also interested in a few fish that won't "rock the boat" too much, like a pajama cardinal, royal gramma or something like that.
On the invert side, I plan to add some feather dusters, and maybe a fire shrimp.
I really like ricordia, polyps, anemones, etc, but I'm not confident that they would do very well with my lighting, and I don't want to spend a ton on new lighting.
So, sort of a rambling post, but if you'd like to advise, please reply.
Thanks! I think this forum is great.

mr. tuna

Active Member
For a 55..
2 Percula clownfish
2 fire fish gobies,
1 flame angel
1 bangaii cardinal.
Reccomended that none should be kept in a 55..
but maby you can get away with a yellow tang.
1 bubble tip anenome
1 nudibranch
15 turbo snails
5 naussarius snails
2 cleaner shrimp
2 arrow crabs
If you will like to have the best..
2x175 watt, 10k metal halides (48'')
( comes with 2 power compacts)
Dont add many things at once, and remember that patience
is the most important thing in reef keeping.
Good luck!