Fish Suggestions


Looking for some advice for a new fish maybe for my 46 Gal. Bowfront...
We moved into a new house in Mid-December and had to of course pack up and move the Tank... Overall it seemed to go pretty well, but after a month or so, I think the stress of the move took care of a couple of my fish...The tank had been established for about 10 months before the move and is now up over a year total and 2 months since the move (with 3 or 4 decent sized water changes since).
Before the move I had (2) Clownfish, (1) 4 Blue/Green Chromis, (1) Flame Angel, (1) Diamond Goby, (1) Royal Gramma....
I'm pretty sure I'm down to the (2) Clowns, (2) Chromis, the Flame Angel and the Goby...
I was pretty stocked before, and I'm probably still over what some people would suggest, but I have a ton of Live Rock and never had any problems with my levels and keep up pretty well on the water changes and stuff...
Looking for suggestions on something small and peaceful that I might be able to add (although some people say that I shouldn't add anything after my Flame Angel, but the Goby actually was the last fish in since about November.)
Thanks for the suggestions.