Fish Suggestions


Well I have finally finished setting up and cycling my 30 gallon tank. I have about 65 lbs of LR in it and 50-60lbs of LS. I have a 20 gallon sump so I guess the whole system is about 50 gallons. But now to the point. I need some suggestions about what fish I should get. It is going to be a reef so they must be reef safe and I dont want anything over 3". Also I have one maroon clown so far. Thank you for your help.


65 lbs of LR seems to much. i think ur LFS tricked u into buying more than u really need. for a 30 gallon reef u should only need around 40 lbs.


o ok i was gonna say if that was ur first tank and u bought that much it wouldn't be that great


i would take out half ot that rock.with that much rock in your take you lose alot of water volume and that is key in saltwater.Just so ya know when that maroon clown gets big it will become aggressive and nip at you.if you want more peaceful fish try a pair of ocellaris clowns and a scooter blenny.they bring hours of enjoyment and arent aggressive or territorial


I made a 20 gallon sump so that I would have more water volume. As for the clown I will look into it but my maroon is the best looking fish I have ever seen and he has been with me from my old tank. He has a neon orange lining. It would kill me to get rid of him. I hope he doesnt get mean


Active Member
here my stocklist for mine(you can find the thread about it on here, its probably 5 threads down from this one):
1 juvenile true percula
1 yellow watchman
1 scooter dragonet*
1 mandarin dragonet*
1 pygmy cherub angel (coming soon)
*= expert thing only and probably not worth your time unless you really really want them.
But I suggest the cherub angel.... even though I dont have it yet, I know it'll be good.