Fish suggestions?


Active Member
I put two fish in my 12gal Aquapod, a firefish and a six line. The firefish is doing great but the sixline is history-haven't seen it since last week
and I assume it has been converted into some right expensive hermit food
I have a small and a large hermit in the tank and the large one is lookin' pretty happy these days!
The rest of the tank seems to be doing well-hammer, shrooms, galaxea, leather, gsp, zoas, snails, hermits, and rics are looking good.
I am looking for one or possibly 2 additional fish and would appreciate your suggestions for what would work in my tank!


Active Member
well first check your levels and make sure the death didnt spike any thing.. if every thing is good you might want to figure out what happened because he could have introduced a disease. but if everything is good you could get a true perc, a shrimp goby combo, most gobies will work.


Active Member
I'd get a yellow watchman w/ pistol shrimp and a clown but thats just me personally.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
I'd get a yellow watchman w/ pistol shrimp and a clown but thats just me personally.
wow that is exactly what i have planned for my tank!! im picking up the clown this weekned!


Active Member
Thanks for the reply! To be honest, I haven't checked my water parameters but am looking at all the other tank inhabitants and they all seem happy. I have been doing one gallon water changes everyday for the past week, and a two gallon change today, until I have a nominal complete turnover at the end of this week.
The sixline never wanted to come out of its cave and swim around and feed like the fire fish does. My LFS has some yellow watchman gobies that I really like and am thinking about one of them. I also really like the LMB I have in my 55 gal reef tank-it's such a cool fish!
As for fish numbers, I am assuming that 3 small fish is the max I should have in this tank-please advise on this.


Active Member
yea thats about right thats how many im gunna have in a 10 gallon. maybe just 2 but three small ones will be fine. a lmb will probably et to big for a 12 gallon. they can be like 6 inches


Originally Posted by Nordy
the sixline is history-haven't seen it since last week
Have you opened the hood quickly and looked in the area where the circulation pump is? I only ask this because one of the clown fish I put in my son's tank ended up back there. 2 weeks later I opened the top and found him alive and well. I now have to catch a serpent star fish that decided to get back there...LOL


Active Member
I just checked-the fish didn't make it in there. I should have checked earlier-I had a clown fish get into one of my canister filters a few years ago and I thought it had died and been eaten. It was in there for 3 or 4 days and survived. I put the intake cover back on after that episode1