Fish Suggestions


In my 120 I have 3 Green Chromis, 3 Yellow Tail, 1 Three Stripe, 1 Domino, 1 Blue Reef Chromis, 1 Picasso Trigger, 1 Yellow Tang, 1 Bamboo Shark, 1 Mandrin Goby. I was thinking about getting a small porcupine puffer but from what I hear they will pick on everything and I have a baby shark so I don't want that. Could anyone give me some suggestions that would be suitable? I was looking at a Yellow Head Jawfish but I don’t know anything about them. I am also into aggressive fish but I don’t know what would work in my tank. Eels are also out because I don’t have a lid on my tank. Please help me out with what I could have in there!!!


I think the shark woud eat the jaw fish. You could try another tang like a blue or something. Is the trigger picking on the shark at all i thought they would?


no, none of my fish pick on each other. People tell me that my trigger and tang will kill the baby shark but they are fine around him. They only problem I might have is when my shark gets a little bigger him going after my goby. But other than that my tank is fine!!


Active Member
Your tank is a bit overstocked as well. The shark will need a tank larger than 110. Sooner or later the damsels and the trigger will began to pick at the sharks cartilage. How long have you had your mandarin and how much lr do you have? With all that competition, it would seem he would have a hard time getting food. Bo