Fish/tank size chart?


I keep reading on the reef tank board people are always questioning the type of fish and tank size. Does anyone know of a chart with the minimum RECOMMENDED size tank for fish? I know some people want to cram a tang into a 55 gallon because they are cool fish and...whatever the excuse. But to be comfortable, the minimum recommended size. Not merely to survive. Any ideas?


tangs get pretty big and like room to swim - even in my 90g I feel it would be pretty selfish for me to put a large fish in there...course I have a lot of LR that takes up a lot of room. Tangs should be put in anything over 100g or a 6foot wide tank.
don't forget this other rule of thumb...
1" of fish for every 5g of water your tank has (include sump and refuge and deduct an estimate of water displacement of the LR)


if you look at the fish on this site and read the description, you'll see that it tells you what tank size it recommends. I don't know of any chart that lists it out all in one, but that would be pretty cool to have. good idea...