Fish that hunts Bristleworms



I have a 24gal nano, and I wanted to get a fish that eats/hunts britleworms. I read that the purple psuedorm fish will hunt and consume bristle worms, but my local fish store said they do not, and that I should instead get a dottyback? I dont want ot get any traps or anthing, I just want a fish to keep my bristle worm at a controllable level. Anyone have any recommendations or ideas?


6 line wrasse have been known to eat bristles, if they are small enough
one will fit well in a 24 gal, they are a pretty and active fish


Originally Posted by Reef.Magic
6 line wrasse have been known to eat bristles, if they are small enough
one will fit well in a 24 gal, they are a pretty and active fish
6 line wrasse? Hmm..I will think abotu buying one for my 24gal then, I wasnt sure if I should go with the psueo since my LFS told me not to buy it cuz the atlantic psueoderms dont hunt bristleworms.and that it was only the pacific ones that do. I don tknow if he is right or wrong.


by the way, I have a clownfish, a sandsifter goby and an anemone. I want to make sure they wont be aggressive to each other.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lbaskball
by the way, I have a clownfish, a sandsifter goby and an anemone. I want to make sure they wont be aggressive to each other.

I would not go with a pseudo then.
I have a six line wrasse and it gets along with everyone, and has lots of personality.


Active Member
If your trying to get rid of bristle worms just use a trap, so that way you can save that fish "slot" for a different fish.


The best way to control over population is to cut back on your feeding. If they don't have anything to eat they will die off.


Just don't over feed and they will stay at a resonable level. Why is it you want to get rid of them? They are good clean up critters and good for your LR.


Active Member
Bristleworms are a good part of the scavenging clean-up crew. yes dottybacks and psuedochromis are the same. Corris wrasses and arrow crabs also eat them.


I dont overfeed my tank but it seems like there are more of them now. And I have a lot of corals and a bubble tip anemone that I have to feed and these little critters comes out when I stop the powerheads and starts feeding my fish during the day!! Because they are helpful in a tank, thought I control it by a fish so that not all of them will be gone. But the other day I saw one that was at least 4inchs long.
Im really not a big fan of bristleworms. :(


Originally Posted by burpuffer
the best fish for eating bristle worms is the long nose hakwfish he is the only one that gets them all

long nose hawkfish huh?never heard that they eat britleworms. Would it be okay to have in my 24gal nano. I have aggressive corals, and a clownfish.