fish thrashing coral

hey guys I had a question
It seems that my fish have found my corals to be a delicatessen. I have a 55 gal tank that I am slowly converting to reef. I had a xenia and my yellow tang thrashed it, ate it to the bone. I just added a button polyp and the thrashing has begun again, but this time it is one of my percula clowns. For starters I have never heard of clowns enjoying corals, but past that what can I do to stop them, I have tried to reprimend him, but I can't be there all the time. I feed them about once a day, with a mixed food. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks sean
Do your clowns have an anenome, I have found they are very paticular if they are hosting an anenome, in fact my clarkie will attack me if I get to close to his anenome, this could be the problem. Or you might just have some munch hounds. all fish are unpredictable ,they say they should be ok and they do what yours are doing, we have all the wrong fish in are reef with no munching going on. The only thing we had munch on corals was a chocolate chip starfish , but he was eaten buy are undulated trigger so he went back to store and we got a niger trigger and he is great. also got this cool little bumble bee snail[ they love to munch on yellow star pollups] found that out to late. cya ;)


Active Member
There really isnt anything you can do. If your fish have developed a taste for corals they will continue to pick. So keep the fish ,go reef, or keep trying different corals until you find ones they wont eat. Xenia to the bone? What bone?
hey just a follow up to the anenome question. I don't have an anemone right now. I had one several months ago, but the fish paid it no attention.