hey guys I had a question
It seems that my fish have found my corals to be a delicatessen. I have a 55 gal tank that I am slowly converting to reef. I had a xenia and my yellow tang thrashed it, ate it to the bone. I just added a button polyp and the thrashing has begun again, but this time it is one of my percula clowns. For starters I have never heard of clowns enjoying corals, but past that what can I do to stop them, I have tried to reprimend him, but I can't be there all the time. I feed them about once a day, with a mixed food. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks sean
It seems that my fish have found my corals to be a delicatessen. I have a 55 gal tank that I am slowly converting to reef. I had a xenia and my yellow tang thrashed it, ate it to the bone. I just added a button polyp and the thrashing has begun again, but this time it is one of my percula clowns. For starters I have never heard of clowns enjoying corals, but past that what can I do to stop them, I have tried to reprimend him, but I can't be there all the time. I feed them about once a day, with a mixed food. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks sean