Fish to add?


New Member
I have a 55 gallon reef tank with about 75 pounds of live rock and over 15 corals of various makeup. Specs are great. No Stony corals because I use VHOs. All of the corals are doing great. I have had this set up for about 5 years. I have six brittle stars, an emerald crab, a few blue and red leg hermits. I had three fish previously that died due to a chevron tang being infected even after quarantine. Algae blenny, chevron and neon psuedo passed away. After two water changes, I am ready to start again. I have waited two months (mourning and money) but I have begun to add again just last sunday. My first fish that was added is an indonesian hogfish. I had never seen one before and I was informed that they are similar to a wrasse but more peaceful. He is doing great. Initially, he was very shy but now after two days, he is everywhere and very comfortable. I want to add another fish soon because contrary to what the LFS told me, I don't want any problems with additions.
The question is...what other fish would you suggest? I am considering a one inch Kole (or similar type) tang if I can find one and maybe two clown fish. Mandarin or Diamond Goby would finish it off. I am going to limit my fish load to five small fish. What do you think?