Fish to Cycle a Tank With


Active Member
i was at my lfs, and they said that for me 180 gallon tank i would need a sh*t load of damsels to cycle it...they also said that if i used damsels just to cycle it would be a real pain to try to get them out as i do have 200 pounds of rock. they said that i could cycle with a few groupers, they also said that an eating habit of a grouper is about equivalent to like 10 damsels(if i get a decent size grouper). they also said i could cycle with snappers and triggers(neither of which i want). so i just want to make sure that i can cycle with these groupers before i go ahead and get them. i was thinking of getting a miniatus and a panther...anybody have any comments, or suggestions for fish to use to cycle? i want to keep those groupers also(i have no interest in damsels).


Active Member
I don't know about groupers but you should not cycle your tank with triggers. Sometimes in a cycle the fish die, not all the time depending on how hardy they are but its still very hard on the fish to breathe and stuff. You don't have to cycle with fish you can just have LR to cycke with, it does take longer but it does work, or you can use raw shrimp from the grocery store, just put a few in and that will cycle your tank (and you won't have any trouble catching them) I wouldn't listen to your LFS, unless you can really trust them because a lot of times they are just trying to make a sale, not all of them but I have heard a lot of bad advice given by LFS.


i agree with golfish sounds like there just out to make money and dont car about you and the fish:mad:
most gropers and triggers are kinda pricey if you MUST use fish i would use 4 damsles but i think the above is a better way to cycle the tank got to think about the fish here:D
o and golfish awsome reef man very very nice!!!!!!!


This might be something to look into. Ive been out of the hobby for some time , well I guess in a way because I just let my tank just be and am starting with just a yellow tang and damsels and crabs, but I used to cycle with fresh water sword tails believe it or not. Anybody elese ever do that?
I think its great that we can do it by other means now.