fish with disease


New Member
I have a 55g. I thought I had ich. My fish grew this film all over them and died about three days later. I am thinking that it is brooklinella. Not exactly sure, but while I had fish living anytime I would add a fish the same thing would happen. They also lost all their coloring. I have no fish in my tank just corals. Was wondering some opinions on treating and how long I should leave it with no fish?


Active Member
Did you also read up on marine velvet? This year fish are coming in with an alarming number of flukes as well. Are you buying these fish all from the same place? Do you buy them when they first come in? Brooklynella is a clownfish disease that usually comes in with wild caught fish.


New Member
Could be marine velvet. Not real sure. Don't know what it is so don't know how to treat. I can't afford to keep loosing fish though.