Fish Won't Eat

I bought an Eibli angel for my tank almost a week ago and I can't seem to get him to eat. All water parameters are good and he looks perfectly healthy except he won't eat. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do? I've tried brine shrimp, mysid shrimp and emerald entree in the past 6 days.
I used an appetite stimulant years ago called Cravex, at least that's what I think it was called, and it worked pretty well, but I haven't been able to find any information on it anymore. I'm open to all suggestions. I sure don't want him to starve. Thanks.


It is now called Cravex Plus and it is still available. The stuff did work well. The garlic elixir currently being sold for saltwater fish is also supposed to be a great appetite stimulant.
Eibls are supposed to pretty much eat anything, so I hope you get it eating soon.


Yeah i had one of those in my reef tank for a week or so, he never did eat the food i gave him, but he picked off the LR constantly, and he was really agressive towards other fish. So i took him back!


I've heard it suggested many times around here about soaking the food in garlic. I've never tried it but from what I've read it seems to work. Is the fish being threatened by another fish? Is it coming out and swiming around or hiding?
Yesterday I did notice him start to pick at a couple of rocks, so that is promising.
I have been feeding frozen brine, so I'll see if the LFS has any live brine they can sell me tonight and try that. I'll also check for the Cravex Plus and garlic. I was hoping they still made that stuff. I didn't realize that garlic was an apetite stimulant.
As far as tank mates picking on him, he's by far the biggest guy in there. Only have a royal gramma and pearly jawfish in the tank right now. He's out swimming about so I don't think he's too threatened. He is quite shy though. As soon as someone gets near the front of the tank he darts for cover.
Thanks to all for the suggestions.