fishes weird behavior


I recently bought one sebae clownfish and a yellow tail damsel fish. The problem is since the first time I bought them, they have been staying on the back of the aquarium. They swim next to their reflections on the background. I thought at first my clownfish was lonely, but then after I bought the damsel I saw no difference. Can anyone help me solve this, because it's kindda stressful to watch your fishes doing that, and not swimming around the live rocks. Please helppp...


Active Member
Truth be told - these two species will NOT typically acknowledge each other. Your clown fish is lonely. Your damsel is not all that an exciting fish anyway. They don't interact with other fish well, you probably saw them in the stor with a bunch of other of it's kind. Two more damsels of the same type and watch them chase each other around the tank. I would recommend you get rid of the thing and keep with less agressive fish.


I realized that they just need some time to adjust to the new environment. Yesterday after awhile the sebae eats and swim around a little. :D
Last night it was lying on the sandbed, doing nothing, I thought that's the way it sleeps, but I guess it's not. I checked the next day that my ammonia level is pretty high. It's 1 ppm. The other ones are fine, my ph, nitrite and nitrate, just ammonia. I've been putting ammo lock 2, amquel, even the undergravel filter cartridge to remove the ammonia. But so far nothing changed and the sebae clowfish still lays there under the live rock. Helpp..... What can I do to lower my ammonia? Should I put more live rock? I already have 4 lbs of lr in my 10 gal tank. It already filled my aquarium.
Should I get a cleanup crew, for example some shrimp, snail, crab, or feather duster??? Please helpp....


Active Member
Hi, I have a clown who I feed in the same spot every day, and the guy never moves from the upper back of the tank. He just swims against the powerheads. I have had him for months, but he just seems to like it there. I have even tried to change where I feed him, he just waits as he knows I will eventually give in. :)


I have a percula clown that does the same thing. He likes to stay behind and around the water that runs out of the filter. I assumed that he has adapted to that feeling because the surface tension of the water probably feels like an anemone to him. (I don't have an anemone for him.) I'm glad to see that someone else has a fishy with that same habit.


skunk clowns are horrible for this. everytime we get them in at work they just pick one spot and never leave it. and they're not just getting used to their environment, because the ones we have now we've had for about three months, and they rarely leave their spot. so if you don't like it, i don't recommend skunk clowns!


Active Member
listen jwtrojan,it sounds to me like the tank either hasn't cycled, or is going to recycle, not good for the fish, and nothin can really be done,except let it go because water changes would only restart you, and adding chemicals is never best, nature is th best doctor in sw, if neither is the case, your really need to find out why your ammonia is going up, this is not good at all
as for the clown, the damsel won't give him company, he would need another cown(probably), but first i wuold get my h20 fixed and in line
HTH, and good luck


Thanks for the reply everybody. My ammonia was not zero, but luckily I have two strong fish. As wrong as it sounds, I kept them. I tried every single thing that I could do to decrease the ammonia. The funny thing is, I use a liquid test, and now the color of the result is nowhere in the color range. It's all green but I got brown.
The good news is, both my fishes are doing fine. When I woke up today my sebae was swimming around the live rock, as well as the damsel. And they eat too. They love the brine shrimp that I give them.
About the old behavior, I guess it was stressed out swimming in a tank that is not fully cycled :D. I admitt it I was wrong, but the last thing I want to do is to hurt my fishes so I promise I won't do anything like that ever again. :)
I have a question though, first is the color that I got out of the liquid ammonia test, what is that? Is that below zero? Or is that bad? Second, I want to know how clowfish sleeps. Mine sleeps on the live sand, like it's dying, but it's not. My friend's tomato clown, floats when it sleeps. So can anyone tell me how do they sleep?
Alright that's it for now, thanks again for the reply and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays for everyone.