Thanks for the reply everybody. My ammonia was not zero, but luckily I have two strong fish. As wrong as it sounds, I kept them. I tried every single thing that I could do to decrease the ammonia. The funny thing is, I use a liquid test, and now the color of the result is nowhere in the color range. It's all green but I got brown.
The good news is, both my fishes are doing fine. When I woke up today my sebae was swimming around the live rock, as well as the damsel. And they eat too. They love the brine shrimp that I give them.
About the old behavior, I guess it was stressed out swimming in a tank that is not fully cycled
. I admitt it I was wrong, but the last thing I want to do is to hurt my fishes so I promise I won't do anything like that ever again.
I have a question though, first is the color that I got out of the liquid ammonia test, what is that? Is that below zero? Or is that bad? Second, I want to know how clowfish sleeps. Mine sleeps on the live sand, like it's dying, but it's not. My friend's tomato clown, floats when it sleeps. So can anyone tell me how do they sleep?
Alright that's it for now, thanks again for the reply and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays for everyone.