It is 37 Gal. I wanted larger it was just something about the square shape that just looked cool. It is deep also. Good starter tank I think, I had one in hawaii that was 190gal but the reef and liverock was so easy to come by. Here in NewMexico its a different story. I know its very important when ordering fish and live rock online. You never know how that animal was treated before it gets to your tank. So at this point im still looking as to where to get them from. The local ***** here treats there fish pretty bad when it comes to adding them to there tanks. I think I will rescue some clowns from there. I did add some BIOMATE to that tank and conditioner when I set it up its pretty much ready as far as Ph and Salt is concerned. ***)
They say Damsils are best starter fish on other sites...I dont think that is the case. They tend to stress out other fish that are added after they get used to the tank. So I think a clown would be a good started there BOLD strong fisheys.