fishless tank


Active Member
How long does my 40 gallon tank have to sit with no fish for all the ich to die off? The clown and chromis in the Hospital tank show no signs of ich nor do they have any symptoms. Just wanted to know how long it has be fishless. Thanks


Active Member
The clown never got ich... The green chromis is new and he doesnt have it.They are in the hospital tank until the ich is gone in the display tank.


Staff member
lion, have these fish been "exposed" to ich? If so, while you are waiting for the display to clear, you might as well do hyposalinity on the QT with these fish. It won't hurt the fish at all, and it will give you assurance that you won't be introducing ich again to your display down the road.


Active Member
Ill Qt the fish once i get my coral beauty in 2 weeks when the lfs gets them. Ill just have to wait longer, but my display tank will be fishless for even longer assuring of no ich.