Fishtank in Living room w/piano


My tank will be sitting approximately 6 feet from our piano. Generally, my kids (9 and 11 yrs. old) play respectfully and don't hammer the ivory simply to fill the house with ear busting calamity. There are times though, when their heathenous, uncivilized friends come around and enjoy pounding out loud, nauseating music.
I imagine my fish will be consumed by the sound of the pump and other electronics in the tank, but I think they'll have to hear the noise outside of their enviroment.
What are your thoughts on I setting myself up for stressed out fish all of the time?? I appreciate your feedback.


When i was in school, my tank was close to my roommate's surround sound sub woofer. My fish didn't seem to mind... In fact for a while one of the speakers was sitting on the tank. So I don't think it should be a problem for your tank.


Active Member
You're looking for an excuse to get rid of the piano, aren't you?
Well then, just remember sound travels 5 or 6 times as well through water.