Fishy #2


Active Member
Pick one to go with a Porcupine Puffer, Sargassum Trig, and an Eel:
Flame Angel
Emp Angel
? Wrasse of some sort
Only the Puffers is in the tank now and Im picking out the next resident.


Active Member
How big's the tank?
If you're picking out the next resident, I would add the Sarg next (not sure if that's your plan and you're only looking for fish #4?). I just like giving those triggers time to adapt to the tank.


Active Member
Ya someone on Reef Central said the same thing so it looks like thats the way to go. Its a 125 Gallon person on -- also said its too small for the emp, which I'm ok with as the Flame is my preference anyway. You think a little guy like a flame angel would be ok with the bigger Puffer/Trig/SFE?


Active Member
Yea, eventually (maybe, depending on what size you get initially lol) the Emporer will outgrow a 125gal. I think the flame would (if you prefer a flame over a wrasse) be fine in that tank. I would suggest waiting till the tank is mature, as dwarfs will graze on the rock all day. I would say get a more decent sized flame, compared to some of the quarter sized ones I've seen for sale.
You might have a problem getting him nori/seaweed on a clip, the puffer will probably rip it off. So get a piece of branch rock and rubberband the nori to the rock and place it near whereever the flame likes to camp out.


Active Member
If I do the Flame it'll be after the Sargassum now so you're talking at least a couple months that'd make the tank 4-5 months old. Then I might also do a Wrasse prior to the Angel so now it'll be at least 6 months old. Is that mature enough for the Angel? I already have tons of Featherdusters and Coraline on my rock since it came from an established tank as well as nice supply of Amphipods and Sponge.
I don't want to get anything that will outgrow my tank as I really have no plans to get a larger one anytime soon. I'm already planning my next tank and its going to be a 75 gallon at the most and this is years away. I'd hate to have to take something back to the LFS.


Active Member
Sounds like a good plan. Which wrasse are you considering? I am currently trying to sell my Goldbar Wrasse because IMO he's a bit too much for my 125. He uses up every inch of it, and has gotten nippy with my puffer and gotten into it with my Blueface angel. The Goldbar is Bob Fenner's pick of the Thalassoma genus, because they are supposedly to have a better personaility, and stay some what smaller, only about 7"-8" (mine is 5.5") compared to Bananas/Sunsets and Lunares that get a foot.