Fishy PA guy



How's that 'nemone doing? Mine keeps blowing up all pretty then getting so small I can't see him. He's been in the same spot for 2.5 days now, but he blows UP, then shrinks.
When he's big, my clowns use him to host, when he's small, I don't think they can find him.
I'm wondering if yours is doing the same...since they are twins and all and even added at virtually the same time.
Oh and flash helps the color to come out better with the pics.
It seems to be doing great
. I don't usually get home untill about 4 and its all layed out by then and it doesn't shrink. It made it home on the back of a rock and I only see the front half of it all the time

I am not real sure what the problem would be? I run 2-250 watt 15K halides and it moved to the middle of the tank. The guy I bought it from only had it in his tank about 4 days.
I am having a big problem with my fish though. My fish keep kicking the bucket
. I had a clown tang that was healthy as could be atleast it seemed it. the next day I came home from work and I didn't see him and he pinned himself behind a rock. Today he is dead and my Emperor and my powder blue are both sick now also. I think I am going to give up on fish.


Now that's downright strange. I don't think it has anything to do with the 'nemone. I have 2 tangs and 2 fish and they are all OK.

That is odd mostly because inverts are supposed to be more sensitive than fish.
Just as a precaution, if you have another fish die, drop him in a bowl of freshwater and see if anything comes off of it or out of it's gills. I just had a wrasse that had those flukes and you can't really see them on the fish, but while they are dipped you can see them bubble up and look like blisters, then they come off. Just a thought.
I know it was just a timing thing with the anemone and the fish getting sick. I did have a problem with the large green carpet I had though. That was just eating fish
I know what you mean about the inverts. The last tanks I had were 3 years ago and I had nothing but problems with the inverts.
I have 3 skunk cleaner, fire, and 3 peppermint shrimp and they do great.
I know I am really jinxing myself right now.

I am going to QT the 2 sickos tomorrow an hope for the best.
I really hope your BTA turns out good
. I don't know who else I can turn to with mine if it doesn't. I hope the same for mine also.


I have noticed that mine opens up around 4 o'clock and closes around 4 in the morn. For this whole time I couldn't figure out if he was self acclimating or what. Then it dawned on me... He's from clear across the planet and he's prolly on a different schedule. Anyway, as it stands, he's still good.
2 sickos. That was funny. Keep us posted, you got me curious.
So did your BTA find a home yet? Mine is driving me crazy because it keeps moving!
It always goes between 2 different rocks and 1 end comes out the bottom and the other end out the top. I had to move some of the rocks last night to get the 2 big out and I took the rock off of it and spread out nice and big. I come home from work today and the thing is between 2 different rocks. Oh well it will find a spot when its good and ready.
I have the emperor and the tang in the QT tank right now. They are swimming around but don't seem too happy with a 40 gallon tank. I never got an answer from anybody if I should treat them with anything or not? I wasn't sure if they just needed to be separated from the tank, dipped, or use the formalin. I used the formalin before as a bathe on a sick maroon clown and it looked pretty good after that. Both of the fish started to get the little white ich spots after they started to loose there colors. I am going to try the bath and maybe lower my salinity.


Well, if they have ick then that parasite is in your DT. Did you QT all the fish or just those 2??
And the answer to your "how should I treat" question really depends on...
Do you want the parasite completely outa your system? Or do you just want it under control to where it only pops up every now and then.
Course getting it out altogether is harder and takes longer, but it's more worth it in the long run...
As far as mine, you hafta see the 2 for 1 thread.
As far as mine, you hafta see the 2 for 1 thread.

Well that pretty much looks like mine
. I like mine better when I see the whole thing though. When I moved the rock last night that was over it, and it was actually 2 different shades of purple because of the light.


Hey somebody from PA who owns a LFS called the one I bought mine from and asked the owner if he could get more. He said he wanted to buy as many as possible.
You know anything about that??
If I remember right, he was 20 minutes or so from Allentown.
Are you serious? The guy I bought mine from is about an hour or so from there. If you can find the name of the LFS and we can put 2 and 2 together. Does this person buy a lot from your LFS? What is the name of your LFS?
Ours maybe twins after all. HA HA


IDK... My guy (John) says, "your anemone is famous. I had a guy from PA call and ask if I had any more he could buy, he said he wanted all that I could get my hands on...."
I don't think they had any encounters before that phone call.

He told me the county he was in but I can't remember it.
Maybe it was a person on forums. Did you ever mention the name of your LFS?
The guy I bought mine from only had this one and he never got any in before and has never seen them either.
I would have played in traffic if it was sold before I could contact him and save it. I have a pretty good rep. with him because I spent almost 1000 with him in the last 2 months and that was just in a skimmer, pump, and livestock. He likes the livestock thing because the one day I got there early and HIS cost list was there and I almost fell over and puked. The cost on that stuff is sooooo cheap. The true perc mated pair was 23.00 his cost. I want to be a LFS so I can have the coolest things I can't afford now.


Originally Posted by fishy PA guy
Maybe it was a person on forums. Did you ever mention the name of your LFS?
I want to be a LFS so I can have the coolest things I can't afford now.
Yeah, I've posted the name here and there, I just thought it was ironic that it was PA.

I am lucky in that mine DOES get in all the cool stuff. LFS's from all over the state buy from this guy. It's well deserved too, he's the kinda store that won't sell the Naso to the guy with the 55 gallon tank. I just learned that yesterday, lol. The back of the shirts the staff wears says, "No fish for you" cause he sells to responsible hobbiests thus turning away a few people as well.
How is the twin doing?
I got a picture when my lights turned on today of mine and as always it was in between the rocks. You are luckier than I am though because your BTA goes horizontal but mine choses the other route. I have a pic of my Perc swimming upside down in the BTA today.
It did that for about 2 hours today until the BTA came thought the top totally. I can't get the dumb picture to download on the puter though. I never seen a clown swim completely upside down when the anemone is also poking out the top.
I got my other camera to download the pic of the clown. You can tell I didn't flip the camera because my coral beauty is in the background. That fish will swim like that all night because the BTA slide through at night.
I thought he would have gotten dizzy by now



Well if you think he's planted, could you turn the rock around??
I removed the large rock that made mine look like 2 small ones. I removed it about 2 hours ago, so I hope he doesn't move... I'll get pics. He hosts my clowns as well. I am glad.

Lemme go see if I can get any decent pics.
OHHHH it will move because I did the same thing and it moved to where its at now and its been there for 3 days straight. During the day it comes out the top and spreads out and at night its splits itself in half.
My clown isn't going to make it
. The little guy looks like its shedding and I can't catch it. I really am going to give up on fish for the next 2 months. I lost my Emperor, Powder blue, Clown tang, Maroon clown, Lavender tang, Pink lip blenny, Mandarin, and now this one. This has all happened in the last 2 days. I took out the Emperor and the Powder the day of my last post and it was all downhill from there. I never got any response on what I should do to help them and I lost them first. They just seemed to melt away within 2 days and then the rest followed before I could get them out. I took my Lavender out yesterday morning because it just went right down the tubes. I don't know what happened because within ONE day they just go straight to H_E_L_L. The fins seem to melt and then there slime coat comes off.
I still the have a nice healthy Coral Beauty, Chromis, and another Perc for now.


Awe, I'm sorry to hear about your fish. Brooklynella looks like that but I am not sure if every species of fish is susceptible...
Well, my anemone hasn't moved yet and my fingers are crossed. I tried to feed him today. He hung on but it took him to long to move it so I eventually let the shrimp take it.

I couldn't get any more pics cause by the time I found batteries for my camera, the lights went off, lol
SO, hows you BTA making out? I wanted to see if it settled down or not?
Does yours still have the nice purple tint to it still or is changing? Mine is looking more pink almost a peach color. It stays inflated and it finally settled in to the same spot, but it still didn't stretch all the way out yet.
My little Perc didn't make it and now the one in my other tank is heading down the same road. I treated her with the Formalin today and I will see how it goes. When I put her back in the tank she looked 10X's better but then after about 10 minutes she was shedding again
. It's a wait and see game now
Is there anything that I can give as far as vitamins are concerned to brighten it up a little?
This is a pic of it in my 120 and its foot and mouth is still in a crevice.



I think it's the same color...`It is supposed to redden up some though...
Here's mine, he's starting to eat

Yours is beautimus! Hope he stays there huh!
Mine is half behind the rock and half in front..
Up close...

where he is in my bare tank...