fishy pics! NEW!!


Active Member

Originally posted by xrayharmony
so thought i'd introduce myself!:D

Hello myself I'm Brian nice to meet you. I'm sure you've heard about the dangers of a sea apple;) and is your substrate a mix of black and white sand...or is that gravel?


yes i know all about the dangers but thank you for looking out for me:) that is one of the greatest things about this forum... everyone cares about the hobby and about others. The sea apples though are so beautiful, and they really have the same risk as their nasty little cousins the cucumbers that we seem to love so much, and we let them habitate in our tanks and we take the risk just because they clean the sand? hehehe I love Macintosh, he's too beautiful to let go! but we keep a close eye on our tank daily and if anyone doesn't look the same or doesn't look good... they are immediately quarantined. the sand is a mix of black and white LS about 100lbs worth. and about 100 lbs or so of LR. Thanks for welcoming me to the fishy world!


thank you, i thought it was interesting as well... it wasn't fun though trying to mix it together evenly! more pics coming soon, i just rescued a green brain, and some mushrooms, and i have to get a good pic of my other clown yet... mama clown is camera shy:) and i have to get some smaller size pics that i can post:)
everything has to be sooo small it's horrible!hehehe