Fission Nano SKimmer Question


Active Member
Does any one have a fission nano skimmer? If so, Any ideas on how to get the skimmate overflow to work. The skimmate cup is so small that you almost have to use an overflow tube from the cup, but it will not drain out the tube (owner supplied) because it has to go over the lip of the tank and then down to a larger cup. Anyway around drilling a small hole in the back of the nano tank so it can gravity drain? Hope this makes sense? I am starting think it is a piece of crud, but it was free. Seems to foam up pretty well?


New Member
i never got mine to collect anything, but it sure did put a lot of micro bubbles in my tank. i took it out of my biocube last week and added LR rubble


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bruder
Take the plastic part and throw it away. Save the pump.

Yet another salt mixer for the ro unit!


I have one and just took it out. it worked but was a pain to keep the water level just right. i am selling mine soon. i didnt care for it. had to empty it every night and morning. too much work. need a bigger collection cup.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mojo46825
I have one and just took it out. it worked but was a pain to keep the water level just right. i am selling mine soon. i didnt care for it. had to empty it every night and morning. too much work. need a bigger collection cup.
what size tank did you have?