Fission Nano Skimmer


I bought the fission nano skimmer about a week ago. I know it's meant for use in the aquapod but It works great in my 10 gal


Originally Posted by feixjai
any pics of your tank and the skimmer? thinking about getting one in my 24 nc.

Here are a few of my 24 when I had the skimmer in it. I had to remove it because I do not have an ATO and I get about 1+ gallon of evap. a day in the winter. With that much evap it was too hard to keep the skimmer placed right and work properly.



Active Member
WOW 1 gallon of evaporation thats just crazy. guess i should find another skimmer. btw whats ATO?


I got one on mine, It was ok. I thought the collection cup was too small. Would of been better if it was bigger.


Active Member
Water capacity is water capacity the skimmer does not know if its in a 10 gal tank, Aqua POd or Nano long as its within its specified capacity it should work. They call it a nano skimmer as its small in size and the company that came out with the Aqua POd also designed a skimmer that was smallenough to work in the typical nano tank environment.


Originally Posted by feixjai
WOW 1 gallon of evaporation thats just crazy. guess i should find another skimmer. btw whats ATO?

My house is notoriously dry in the winter months, that is why the evap rate is so high. I don't think that amount is typical. It drops off drastically in the summer when the humidity goes up. Alot of people have had success with this skimmer in their 24NC.


I thought it was a little small for a 24 gallon, I run a 25 gallon set up but though it would be too small....
Also I noticed my evap increased quite a bit when my house was colder, and when it was colder out. Increasing my house temp helped some as there was less heat transfer. Also lately we've had 25 straight days of rain, the air isn't near as dry.


Does anyone know where you can order one of these online??? I ordered from the depot place online and they were out of stock and every other place I have checked is also... Any other suggestions?>? email me at *Email Removed* with your suggestions.

murray bmf

I also ordered from those "depot" guys, same result. This skimmer is one hard-to-find commodity. If you find it let me know


Originally Posted by jacksdad
*Link Removed* is a place you can order one.

send the link to my email.. yours didn't make it long.