fission nano skimmer


Active Member
They can be made to work, but they are fussy and problematic. They do require a perfectly constant level of water, and theelbows are prone to leaking or breaking. Pumps are not the best but they do work. Lots of folks swear by them and lots of folks swear at them. Personally if yu can not keep a constant level in the sump or tank, I would consider a Lee's or Sanders air powered skimmer over the Fission skimmer. Those two skimmers at least do work as long as you keep the air diffuser clean.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xiaochew
Hear the review sucks. but better than nothing.

Yea, I would have to dissagree on that. Some skimmers can be a real PITA and you would be better off with none and save onb the headaches and mess. Been there done that already.


Active Member
I got one for free and still think I got ripped off.
I took the pump off it and threw the rest of that piece of crap away....
Other than that they are fine if ya got $30 you want to light a match too.