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I have a 40 gallon acrylic tank and i was wondering how many fish and what type of fish can be placed? To be honest i have two clown fish in there right now but i really like the tangs and would like to have some in their in the future. I like the atlantic, sailfin, blue hippo, etc tangs. i was wondering would it be a big deal to add any of these fishes because of the tanks size? Before buying the fish it says requires 70 gallons but is that true? I have seen many other people have tangs in much smaller tanks so i was just wondering. If it helps i have the tank running with a 9 watt uv, 2 small skimmers, an overflow with a sump, etc. Thank You!
From what ive read and what ive been told, the amount of fish depends on types of fish and how good your filtration is. Less aggressive fish and more filtering equals more fish at least thats what im taking, there has to be enough room for the bacteria that cycles your tank to grow to support the amount of waste the fish release.
Also seems as the Tangs get way to big for a tank your size as they need lots of room to hide and swim, theres one at my LFS thats in a 40 gallon and its constantly folding over on itself because it needs room. They get BIG!
You can purchase smaller tangs and raise it, but soon or later youll have to trade it in or sell it. Hope your clowns are doing good.