Fitting pipe.


Ok.. this is about a DIY skimmer. I have looked at alot of plans online of how to make one... but i still have one question... I'm using PVC pipe so how do get the supply and return lines through the sides of the reaction chamber? I was thinking something along the lines of a bulkhead but since the pipe is curved that wouldnt really work. Maybe a tight friction fit and then use PVC cement to glue the crap out of it?

i want to use a 3" pipe with a 3/4 inch supply and a 1" return.
help is very much appreciated!


drill out your hole somewhat smaller than you need the adjoining pipe to fit into... then angle cut the pipe going to the reactor and just ream out the hole so that the pipe fits in tightly. i would think that a rotozip would be the easiest way to get the hole to be more elliptical in shape because this is the shape that you are shooting for!!! good luck


why wouldnt it be sturdy??? it will fit inside the reactor very snugly... once you get it in there use some silicone to get waterproof and to secure them together...


When i made mine, you can probably find it on the board. I used 4" pipe and 3/4" pipe. THe 3/4" pipe has an outer diameter of 1" so i used a 1" countersinking bit and drilled a hole into the 4" pipe where i wanted to put the 3/4" pipe. Then i test fit the joint, fit really well... then to keep it in place i used PVC cement on the opening, then a bit around the piece of pipe i was inserting... pushed it in, let it dry. very tight. TO be safe i also dripped a bit in the joint from the outside to add to the seal. Doesnt leak, works well. Too bad mine is too big for my sump, now its just sitting a "Look what i built" thing.


Sorry jason, I wasnt trying to burst your bubble but i wanted to get some other people's input to see what htey had done in this situation. that way i could have a few ideas that i could steal to make mine. Thanks for both your suggestions.


ohh Shazam... just found these things on another site(store which i cannot post a link to) that has flexible bulkhead fittings (they call them tee eliminators). Basically its a rubberis gromet looking thing that goes into a hole drilled in a piece of pipe, it has internal threads for threaded fittings and there are sizes from 1" 3/4" 1/2". less than a dollar each, htey also have friction fit ones for non threaded pipe that are " made of DuPont Alcryn® rated to 40 psi and warranted for 25 years" for 1/2" to 6" pipe 2$ - 10$
pretty sweet huh?


Active Member
What about a uni seal like they use on the Euro Reef and ASM skimmer mods, or you could use a threaded fitting and cut your hole to fit the fitting inside of the hole and then glue into place, and that fitting would need to be threaded and you could use another fitting on the inside with an O ring....You can get the parts at HD or Lowes....


Yeah acrylic thats what i found. I'll look for them at the home centeres near me but idk if they will have them ill probably use those.


Active Member
If not you can always uni seals.....They work exactly like you want to do and EuroReef and ASM use them all the time on their skimmer modifications


You can get a hole saw that fits in a drill or drillpress and makes a pirfect hole everytime
at home Depot or Lows.

Get the cheep one and it will have all the cutters in it, or buy the good one and just the cutters you need and have them for ever. then you can us the same plexi glue that they use for sumps and tanks :jumping: :jumping:
good luck


Thanks for all the suggestions but i found some threaded uniseals online that will work perfectly. they are cheap and easy to put in and they are threaded so its easy to take apart and clean if necessary. If anyone wants the link to the site where i'm getting them from just leaveme your email and ill send it to you.