five gallonssss


Active Member
Pretty tank! Is that a haitian anemone? Anyways its very cool, all you need is a clown to host the anemone and one to host the GSP and itll be even better. Bioload looks pretty heavy on that tank.


haitian, condy, all the same right? and i thought clowns wont go in there
wrong ocean?
and cause im new can you explain why my bioloads heavy i didnt think i had that much stuff in there


yea thats what i thought
im not really worried about that tho because they dont go near it
i just know theyre not gonna host it
or anything else for that matter


Active Member
Originally Posted by Krista921
haitian, condy, all the same right? and i thought clowns wont go in there
wrong ocean?
and cause im new can you explain why my bioloads heavy i didnt think i had that much stuff in there
2 clowns in a 5g is quite a lot IMO. They aren't big fish but will get to be a few inches. I only have 2 clowns in my 29, that's it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Krista921
two mini 50/50 pcs
i might get a third...
if u plan to keep that anemone long term you will def need to upgrade your lighting. And IMO your tank is wayyyy to small for an anemone, it will out grow your tank in no time and they typically dont do well in small systems.
Not trying to flame but you said you were new so I offered this advise. Your tank does look good though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Krista921
itll go in my parents 55gl
as well as anything else that grows out of it

Good idea
just make sure they have proper lighting for it.