fixing a bak pak


ok here is what I got the black in take broke right at the entry of the clear case can I place the seal and intake valve right next the case and silicone it back or can I get replacement for that black tubbing


New Member
Go to the hardware store and get some pvc. I don't know if you will find the correct size though. Don't use silicone, it won't stick to acrylic. You might be able to glue the pipe back together with weld-on, but only if it's a clean break.


Active Member
I would try to solvent weld it with some weldon #3 or 4 . It can then be reinforced with a bead of Marine goop applied around it. MArine goop is pretty good stuff and adheres to plastics pretty darn good, but use some weldon solvent to attempt to attach broken pieces first. If you can not find weldon in your area, sometimes some grades of model cement works, and I would go with the liquid cement with the brush applicator and wick it in the joints and cracks. MArine goop can be bought at big box builder supply stores like HOme Depot. Silicone does not work well at all on acrylics.