FL Keys live sand

class clown

Can anyone tell me how good Florida Keys live sand is compared to other types of sand, especially as far as buffering capabilities go? Also, since I live right here in Miami, can I just drive to the Keys and get me a bucketful of sand? I've heard that taking anything out of the ocean without a special permit is illegal. Is this true? If not, any locals in here know of a good place to collect some good sand? Thanks.
Yep its true, Pirching is another way of saying it. For any kind of lr, ls, fish and inverts you need a specific divers license that says you are able to do this without destroying or harming things as you go. I know how it is ..the thought of just going out there and paying no more than gas on someones boat, some ppl get away with it, but eventually they will get cha!
If you are really interested there is a way to get Fla. Keys lr and ls shipped to you. Leave your e-mail addy and i'll mail you the site.
BTW, I'm just N. of Ft.Lauderdale......heya neighbor! :D


Please email me the site as well. Thanks.


Staff member
I'm going to post a reply here, and not delete the thread, even though this thread is in violation of BB policy not to share info about other vendors.
First, I want to say that the FLA Keys Live Sand is not from the FLA Keys, at least not legally. It is illegal to harvest any reef sand or reef creatures from the FLA Keys waters. The sand being sold as Fla Keys LS is harvested from the Caribbean, however; and, BTW is sold by SWF.com. As for sand in the near shore areas around the Keys, there is none...at least none that is indigenous to the Keys. There is sand on the reefs, but this is strictly off limits for taking it.
Now, as to the to BB policies. Please do not use this BB to obtain info about where to buy products. Especially when SWF.com SELLS the product you are looking elsewhere to buy! Geez have some respect!