flake food


I have a percula clown, strawberry gramma, yellow tailed damsel, and a cleander shrimp. I have been feeding them flake food every once in a while to give them some variety. Now after about 6 months I have finally figured out that it was for tropical fish not marine. So, I bought some marine fish food. The food is little red flakes or balls. I put some in the tank and the fish had a hard time eating them. They were too big or too hard. Is there something I am missing. Are you supposed to soak them first so they soften up or what?


Staff member
Dry foods are usually sold for specific fish, or variety of fish. For clowns, I'd suggest flakes, not pellets or "balls". Also, better to get Marine food, but you might find that you fish will now only eat the freshwater food you provided, since that's what they got used to, which is fine.
Look for quality food, with high protein content and min fat.


Try TetraMarin The rich mix for marine fish. I use this to add variety to my clown's, tang's and damsel's diets. They are just like the tropical flakes, but designed more specifically for marine fish.