Flame Angel and Coral Beauty


I have been told and read on this forum that these two angels are not compatible for my 56 gal. reef tank. Other people told me they are, same with the emporor and the queen which i want for my new 150 gal!!.
Well today i bought a flame angel, the coral beauty went after him for 5 minutes, i was pissed, then they setteled down and are now swimming around and not bothering each other. Has anyone else had this happen or where told not to put them together?


Active Member
you may have been lucky, imo u still have not had "success" with keeping the 2 together until they have been in there for a year and are full grown
if someone tells me i cant find a 100 dollar bill on the ground in the store, and i do... it doesnt mean everyone can find a 100 dollar bill on the ground in a store
*edit* nothing can be said that this will happen 100% of the time, it is possible that you can be succesful in doing things that are not recomended, however most likely this is not the case unless you are very experienced and/or have a big tank, even then it can might not work


Originally Posted by kaliman33
I have been told and read on this forum that these two angels are not compatible for my 56 gal. reef tank. Other people told me they are, same with the emporor and the queen which i want for my new 150 gal!!.
Well today i bought a flame angel, the coral beauty went after him for 5 minutes, i was pissed, then they setteled down and are now swimming around and not bothering each other. Has anyone else had this happen or where told not to put them together?
Your flame will be bolder than the CB once he establishes his territory. You are asking for trouble with the two of them in a 56. It is a reef tank as well? One is a gamble in a reef. They are known to pick. I don't know why some people insist on learning the hard way


If you asked 100 people thier opinion, you will get 100 diffrent answers, everyone in this hobby has a diffrent opinion and you have to trust someone,
EVERY time i ask a lfs or someone on here you get conflicting answers, so who is right? It is frustrating because you want to do the right thing.
I would never intentionally put 2 fish together that would harm each other.
I have been told by numerous people that both of these are reef safe, the coral beauty has been in for a while and has'nt picked a thing (i have 3 clams, sponges, feather dusters, corals)
As far as lerning the hard way, who is to say, After 24 hours the 2 are swimming together, we will see in the future. Sometimes if you dont try you will never know. as of now, complete sucess.
I have also been told the 150 is fine for the other angels, and now someone say no, to small. again, conflicting opinions, what to do?
Thanks everyone, i appreciate the feed back,


Originally Posted by kaliman33
If you asked 100 people thier opinion, you will get 100 diffrent answers, everyone in this hobby has a diffrent opinion and you have to trust someone,
EVERY time i ask a lfs or someone on here you get conflicting answers, so who is right? It is frustrating because you want to do the right thing.
I would never intentionally put 2 fish together that would harm each other.
I have been told by numerous people that both of these are reef safe, the coral beauty has been in for a while and has'nt picked a thing (i have 3 clams, sponges, feather dusters, corals)
As far as lerning the hard way, who is to say, After 24 hours the 2 are swimming together, we will see in the future. Sometimes if you dont try you will never know. as of now, complete sucess.
I have also been told the 150 is fine for the other angels, and now someone say no, to small. again, conflicting opinions, what to do?
Thanks everyone, i appreciate the feed back,
I hope that it works out well for you.


I too hope you have success with your fish, and you may.
Angels in a reef are if-y to say the least, but most pygmies a touch and go, they may nip they may not.
As far as opinions go, yes everyone is different, but if you hear enough that you shouldn't keep two angels in one tank, then why would you try? You are taking a risk, that could end up in a dead fish. Why risk his life, he didn't risk yours. That is what gives this hobby a bad name.
Of course your LFS guy will tell you it is ok, as he is selling you the fish.
Now ask him if I buy this fish and my other angel kills it, or it kills my other angel are you going to give me my money back? Then see what he says,,lol
Bet you get no money back, but bet he will sell you another $50 angel.


New Member
They will be fine. Most Marine fish will fight for territory when first introduced to a new tank. I have had these fish together for many years with no ill affects. As for your LFS, they are not all out to get you, some of them are actual hobbist who turned owner and have far more experience than most people on these message boards. The problem with message boards is infomation begins to get really blown out of proportion as an example, dose any one on this board feed their dog greenies brand treats? If you go back and look it up accorrding to the message boards over 200 dogs have died as a result of the dogs choking on the treat, when in fact it was 2 dogs and both dogs who died was the direct result of the owner not the treat. Be careful with what you read.


Mmmm, i think everyone on these boards are just trying to help. i see your into race cars lets say your looking into a new cam and head combonation for your car and what you want is what ive tried or heard somebody else has tried, sure you can try it but if enough peapole have tried it and it just did not work out, why bother? As far as the large angels are concerned its not enough space, period. Why stress these beautiful fish out, BUY THE BIGGER TANK.


well it is day 2, and they are both swimming together and what is funny, they both go to the cleaning station and the cleaner shrimp was cleaning them both, i will post a pic, i am glad i did'nt miss out on this,
rkennedy, what bigger tank, 150 is huge


I was refrencing the large angels ya a 150 is big for a couple of small angels im glad they are getting along.


BTW kaliman33 if you ever have any ? on large angels pm ccampbell 57 he knows what he is talking about, i dont mean to seem like a jerk, but there is a handfull of pepole on here that are very helpful.


I want to thank everyone for thier opinon, i dont want to be seen as a jerk either, just want to get the right information to have a happy healthy tank,
I listen to everyones advice and weigh my options.
so far the flame and coralk beauty are a huge success, i will post some pic
but, i have had 10 people tell me 150 is big enough, and 10 tell me it is not,
what to do????
Yep, that's all you can do. Listen to people's experiences and recommendations and then come up with your own conclusion.
The way I feel is if you are taking a chance at something not 100% guaranteed, but you've taken the time to research it, and decide it's something you are willing to try. It's the best way to find out and I say go for it!


both of mine are in a 60 gal. doing great, the flame found my cleaner shrimp and gets regular cleanings,
how do i post a pic?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kaliman33
I have also been told the 150 is fine for the other angels, and now someone say no, to small. again, conflicting opinions, what to do?
Thanks everyone, i appreciate the feed back,
ccambell has an imperator and queen and is in the process of upgrading to a larger tank.
Personally I have a flame and coral beauty in the same tank without any problems. But more times than not I've observed problems with those two fish.


Active Member
In my mind here is a rule of thumb. The bigger the tank the less aggression problems you will have.
In a 240 I wouldn't worry a bit about two dwarf angels (because they will never see eachother) and if you want multiple angels that is probably what you need to get to keep them long term. Fish are like people they are all different. You could say about people we eat meat. Which is true except for the random veagan. Then you have some people who eat different things like I love crawfish, my mom hates crawfish.
When you talk with people here on this site they are speaking assuming that
  • the fish will be housed for its full lifespan in the tank in question
    they use generalizations like *people eat meat*


how long does it take for an emperader or queen angel to get full size? i would assume a couple years, by then i want a 240
but a 150 is a good start