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I don't see why a yellow tang and flame wouldn't get along in that tank. Yellow tangs are usually very peaceful, and flames are SUPPOSED to be peaceful. There is a chance you will get one that is a pain to deal with (aggressive, coral picker, etc..). However, you have a better chance of having a peaceful community since the flame will be one of the last to be added.
55 gallons will be great for the flame, but I don't think I need to go into a yellow tang in a 55 as I'm sure someone will let you know how they feel about it. It will be fine for a while, but you're not going to be able to keep it in there for the entirety of its life.
Yellow tangs can get aggressive once they've become established, I'm seeing it happen in my 125 and I also have a flame angel in there that needs to go, he is a bully...My goal this weekend is to catch the YT and return it to the LFS, I'm bummed because he is one of my favorite fish to watch, but I can't deal with him being aggressive....I would have a party if I can catch the angel, he is the true meanie in the tank, but he doesn't bother either of my tangs....FYI, the manager at my LFS has a 1000 gallon tank and has mostly tangs in it, but does not have one yellow tang because of their aggressive nature once established....I, of course, found this out after the YT was in my tank...