Flame Angel in trouble, Please Help!


My Flame Angel has been in hypo for almost 2 weeks now because of an ich outbreak. All of the ich spots have disappeared but now it has a fuzzy spot on it's right pectoral fin. The spot appears to be eating away at the fin. It has also lightened up around it's face, gills and lips. It is also barely eating. What could this be?



Active Member
Ich can be complicated with secondary bacterial infections. This could account for the spot/deterioration of the fin. Post the water parameters of the Q tank, specifically pH, salinity and nitrates. I'm assuming there is no detectable ammonia or nitrite.
What have you been feeding the fish and what are you using to measure salinity?


He has quit eating completely now. Befrore, he would only eat Formula 1 frozen. The water parameters are:
Ammonia- 0ppm
Nitrites- 2ppm (whoa!)
Nitrates- 20ppm
Specific Gravity- 1.009
Temp- 84F
I cant keep the pH in any of my tanks higher than 7.8 and I cant figure out why. I use RO/DI water and Instant Ocean salt. I'm getting ready to do a water change to deal with the nitrites and nitrates. I still dont know what is wrong though. I have spent countless hours searching for a cause and have found nothing. I don't think he will make it much longer. I don't want to lose this fish, Please Help!


Well-Known Member
Water commonly goes slightly acidic during hypo, and RODI will take up CO2 from the air and go acidic as well. You can get a pH buffer for marine water from your LFS - use it to gradually adjust and then hold the pH in an 8.2-8.4 range. Good luck!


The ph does need to be buffered and raised. You should have been adding the buffer to the mix or to the FW while you were bringing it down. Do not add buffer directly to the tank. If need be, pull out some water. If all readings are ideal, which they are not, mix the buffer with the water from the tank in a separate bucket. My immediate concern is the 2 nitrite! The 20 nitrate is nothing to smile about either. Was this qt cycled? Get some water mixing now for water changes. ALWAYS check the ph before you add water to the tank. Never add buffer directly to the tank. When you are doing top offs, check the ph before hand. If the ph of your RO water is low then buffer it 24 hours before it goes into the tank. Have some Ro buffered water ready for top offs.