Flame Angel & Lemonpeel


Can I put a Flame and Lemonpeel angel together in a 75 gallon? Also - I've heard the Flame is 'hit-or-miss' when it comes to being reef-safe...anyone want to comment on that?
What about the lemonpeel - Is it reef-safe?


all dwarf angels are hit or miss. I have individually kept flames, coral beauties and potters without incident. This does not mean you will. If you keep them well fed and with plenty of nori you MIGHT diminish any appetite they have to nip at corals.
As for two angels in a 75, I have never tried but dwarf angels are not compatible. It might work if introduced at the same time but I have no experience doing that.


New Member
I have not heard much on the Lemonpeel but I have heard on the Flame angel that you want it to be the last fish added to the tank to avoid it possibly becoming agressive, or even dominant towards others that may be introduced after it. I have heard that it is pretty safe with reefs, and that it is one of the few that is safe. I see them in reef tanks all the time, actually one of hte most common ones I have seen housed with corals. Good luck. I will let you know if I find anything else.


Active Member
The Lemonpeel is the least reef safe drawf there is and a flame may pic here and there but not enough to damage corals IF you have you tank stuffed with live rock for it to graze and your tank is healthy and well established. It would would much rather feed on bio orgs. and algea than your corals.
All dwarfs are hit or miss (as stated above) but IMO/E ALL are quite capable of not only damaging corals but eating/killing them.
As far as cross compatability...I currently have a flame and a nox angel together (4 years this month) and have kept a flame, nox, and a lemonpeel together without any problems in the past. As with the coral nippers I believe their ability to co-exist is also hit-or-miss.


I have had a flame, coral beauty and a bi-color all in the same tank without problems. the bi has recently passed but other fish did not pick on it. None of them attempted to nip at my polyps.


Active Member
i had a lemonpeel angel and a midnight angel.... lemonpeel killed the midnight angel cuz he nipped him up pretty good. my lemonpeel would nip at everything in the tank. he had to go back to the LFS. no more dwarf angels for me in a reef tank.