flame angel or coral beauty.


Active Member
i was wondering if i could keep one of these fish long term in a 40gal, flame angel or coral beauty. im thinking of getting which ever one really tiny if i can find one, like 2-3"


Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
i was wondering if i could keep one of these fish long term in a 40gal, flame angel or coral beauty. im thinking of getting which ever one really tiny if i can find one, like 2-3"
2-3" is pretty standard sizing for these two fish. The coral beauty would also be the safer bet between the two. They tend to be a bit sturdier.


Either one will do fine in a 40g. And if I were you, I'd spend the little extra cash to get the flame. IMO, coral beauties arent that beautiful.


I say go with a flame angel, there colors are very bright and will stand out as a nice center piece fish


I have both fish in my 155 and the Coral Beauty is originally from my 40G. It did wonderfully in the 40G.
I would go with the Coral Beauty over the Flame. Owning both, I've noticed that the Flame is a little bit more finicky with eating and requires a lot more swimming room than the CB does.
Whichever fish you decide on, MAKE SURE YOU SEE IT EAT IN THE STORE! And try to make it your last addition or they tend to bully new additions to the tank.


New Member
I love my coral beauty, I'd debated between that and a flame angel, but I love the subtle, deep coloration on the CB.Coloration seems to vary a good bit between individual fishes. Mine is not at all aggressive towards tankmates, and is in fact, one of the most shy fish in my tank, it took a couple months for him to stop hiding when I approached the tank.I agree, either should do well in your 40gal, but do make certain to see it eat in the store first.

gill again68

Active Member
I have a CB as well. Really nice fish. As far as the beauty between the 2 I think its a tie. Remember that these fish love lots of rock work. As far as the tank size , He will not be able to have to many friends in that tank.


Active Member
i like the flame angel bc of the better color. make sure i hv plenty of lr in the tank for it to graze.


If you looking for smaller size id go with the coral beauty they only get about 4 in long, while a flame angel can get up to 6 in (male). If your looking for more color both are beautiful but id go with the flame it stands out more imo. But with a smaller tank and pending on the tank mates Id go with the coral beauty since its slightly less aggressive than the flame!