flame angel question


im stocking my 45g
the question is....
how seasoned should the tank be, ive got 2 percs, but no exp with flame angels.
i have had pygmy angels in the past, hows the flames territorial behavior?


Flame angels should be one of the last fish added to the tank. They'll chase any new additions. Also, get a copper test kit. Any detectable copper will eat away at their insides, and kill them within a few months, if not sooner.


algae on the live rock definitely helps the flame adjust. that way they can graze all day like they do in the wild. so i would say the tank needs to be at least a few months old. i added my flame after 4 months.


Originally Posted by Tim_12
Also, get a copper test kit. Any detectable copper will eat away at their insides, and kill them within a few months, if not sooner.
Are you serious!?? Is that true or is that another "assumption" like the cyano poisoning. Cause if it's true, then that would explain a lot around here.


what do you mean "it would explain alot around here"?
just curious...
test for copper even though i have never used copper and wont, (i may turn the 45 to reef)(no copper)
will copper be in the water otherwise?


What I meant was that almost all of the LFS's around here run copper in the fish tanks. If copper slowly kills a flame then that would explain why mine died and every body I know who's had one around here... I have found only one LFS (that isn't really local) that does not run copper.
And you would not need to test for copper if you have never added it OR have never added the water that came with your fish from any LFS. Course if you have any inverts such as shrimp or even snails then you have no copper in your tank.


If you do decide to add a flame angel, keep a close eye on him around your percs. I avoided getting a flame because i found out they're a little agressive, and that they'll pick on other angels as well as anything that has similar coloring to a flame angel - clowns are similarly colored...


Originally Posted by Tizzo
Are you serious!?? Is that true or is that another "assumption" like the cyano poisoning. Cause if it's true, then that would explain a lot around here.
When I first read about the flame angel on another site, it was mentioned that they are especially sencetive to copper. Since I really wanted one, I looked into it a bit more and found the same information on a few other sites. It was all second hand information from other hobbyists, but I figure you're better safe than sorry. I dont want to run the risk simply because the one I have is one of the best looking flame angels I've seen, and its reef safe so far.
Originally Posted by jdragunas

If you do decide to add a flame angel, keep a close eye on him around your percs. I avoided getting a flame because i found out they're a little agressive, and that they'll pick on other angels as well as anything that has similar coloring to a flame angel - clowns are similarly colored...
I have two percs and a the flame has been nothing but an angel with them. Excuse the pun.

flame guy

Here's a pic of my flame, been in my tank for 2 yrs now and been behaving in my predominantly soft and hard coral reef tank, the only one he chases around is my little clown goby dont know why. Its a hit or miss with this fish I guess but i love mine.
current stock :
powder blue tang
yellow tang
red head fairy wrasse
pair B&W percula
pair sapphire damsel
pair clown goby
purple firefish
135 gal.



New Member
i hope one day i can get my tank to look half as good as yours does that is very pretty. it must have took a lot of time to get there


Active Member
10 months is a good age to add more delicate fish such as angels,butterflies,and tangs.
You are right about fish such as the flame being sensitive to Copper.Tangs especially...and puffers can't handle it at all.It causes damage to their internal organs,and in some cases kidney failure.
Tizzo,the most prevalent problem with flame angels,and also yellow tangs, is their capture method,ie:cyanide.
By the time you get them{several weeks after capture},is about the time the damage that has been done manifests itself in the death of the fish.
Look for stores who try to deal with wholesalers that buy from suppliers who don't buy from those who use cyanide to capture fish.
Avoid the "brightest" fish..in this case often a sign of poisoning.


I had done a lot of research after I attempted a flame and the symptoms were not consistant with cyanide, that's whay I am so interested in the copper.

flame guy

Originally Posted by wildclown
i hope one day i can get my tank to look half as good as yours does that is very pretty. it must have took a lot of time to get there

Thanks for your compliment wildclown, you'll get there just takes time.


Originally Posted by Tim_12
Flame angels should be one of the last fish added to the tank. They'll chase any new additions. Also, get a copper test kit. Any detectable copper will eat away at their insides, and kill them within a few months, if not sooner.
NO WAY>>>>I WAS WONDERING WHY MY LITTLE DUDE CROAKED!!! i tested for everything but that.... and everything was perfect. copper eh? huh...who would have thunk it.i love this site! thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
If you do decide to add a flame angel, keep a close eye on him around your percs. I avoided getting a flame because i found out they're a little agressive, and that they'll pick on other angels as well as anything that has similar coloring to a flame angel - clowns are similarly colored...
I agree. Mine often will chase the male Cinnimon Clown back into his anemone when it ventures out and then the female will chase the Flame. In a larger tank this is not a problem but IMO a 45g is too small for this combination.