Flame Angel tail is dissappearing?


75G FOWLR - water levels are all very good. Salinity is at 1.019. Stocked with:
1 Flame Angel
1 Small Hippo
1 Yellow Tang
2 Small Clowns
12 Hermits
12 Snails
2 Cleaner Shrimp
70 lbs of LR - Tank is about 8 months old.
I've had recent small outbreaks of ich. The flame angel and hippo have had it on and off. Yellow tang and clowns have not had it. Again, flame angel and hippo have continued to fight it off when there have been small outbreaks. I usually treat with Formula One flake food with garlic and ParaGuard by Seachem to fight the ich.
Lately, the tail of my flame angel looks like its been chewed on by something. It is slowely dissappearing. Now its to a nub. He doesn't get chased by any of the fish and isn't getting nipped at by anthing that I can see. He does approach the cleaner shrimp quite often for a cleaning, but I don't understand the tail looking so chewed up.
I didn't see anything like this on the pictures on this sight. Does anyone have any idea what the deal is? Thanks for any help.


Active Member
Well, the ich is most likely affecting the fish, plus, it sounds like it has tail rot.
What are your EXACT water levels? The reason I ask is because 1.019 is not a proper salinity for the animals you are keeping. More than likely, a few of the other levels are off as well. What is your pH, alkalinity or kH, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and temp?


Staff member
2 tangs and an angel in a 75 is begging for fighting. I am pretty sure that the angel is being eaten/harrassed. Spend some time watch the fish without the fish noticing.


I'm going to have to get the exact reading from my LFS. They measure my levels weekly. I don't know the exact numbers, but they said that my levels were perfect last Friday.
Beth, after watching closely, it appears that the yellow tang may be hasseling the flame a bit. Perhaps he's nipping at him at night.
Should I just concede and trade one of the 3 in (yellow tang / hippo / flame)? If I traded one in, which would you choose? I've always wanted a Valentini Puffer. Would they be OK to trade in for?


Also, if I'm able to correct this problem, will the tail of my flame angel regenerate or am I stuck with a tail-less flame?


Staff member
Keep the flame, find new homes for the tangs. Your tank is really too small for tangs to be comfortable....let alone two tangs. Save these species for when you get a bigger tank.


Active Member
The flame's tail will regenerate fine if you fix the problem(s).
I agree with Beth. Get rid of the tangs until you have a larger tank.


Staff member
If he was the only fish in the tank, maybe. Have you decided what type of species tank you wish to establish??
A puffer will eat all the snails.