Flame angel VS Flame Hawkfish


Active Member
i can't decide whether i should get a flame angel or flame hawk for my 36 gallon reef tank. the angel is a 50/50 risk to my (future) corals and the hawk is the same risk to my cleaner shrimp. i really want a vibrant red in my tank and it came down to these two. in your option which would you get?


Active Member
i have them both with no problem
2 flame angel on mixed reef ,lots of zoa,clams ,lps and sps
hawkfish with 4 cleaner shrimp


Active Member
thats good cause those fish look real cool and i kinda want both if my tank will allow it. im gettin a sump soon so when my tank gets another 15 or so gallons added to it im sure my tank can handle both plus a few more fish as well. thanks for the reply


I have the hawkfish in my tank, but he ate my 4 peppermint shrimp. I introduced them at the same time, so they probably didn't get the chance to establish anything in the tank and he just thought they were food.