flame angel with zits


New Member
Hi , I recently added a flame angel to my 40 gallon tank. Recently I've noticed some zits on the fish( 3 or 4 bumbs on the fish with white heads on them). I do not know what they are.What can I do to treat my tank? It is a fish only tank.
ICH...maybe...You can use some type of ick/ich away medicine or put some garlic extract in it's food, let it soak and dry... feed it to the fish... i wouldn't advise u use ick medicine if you have some type of invert...(crabs,snails,shrimps,etc.) but since u said u have a fish only then.... i don't really know but get someone else's opinion... only had one out break and i used and ick medicine and put the infected fish in a quarantine tank, and afterwards added a scarlett cleaner shrimp to my main tank... no probs since...