flame angel?


New Member
im thinking about adding a dwarf angel to my tank...i could really use suggestions on what kind to get...what have you guys had experience with being the best? best meaning color/hardiness/price. i have a 55 FOWLR tank, 1 maroon clown, 2 blue damsels, 1 psudochromis, and one bengaii cardinal. thanks!


Red Flame Angle would fit in. Looks good and is from $40-$50 depending where you get it. I believe it is just as hardy as the cardinal (correct me if I'm wrong).


I think a flame would do well in a 55 as long as it's well established(at least 3 or 4 mos. I've heard some say even longer). We were conned into buying one right after our tank finished cycling, BAD IDEA! It got sick within hours(ick, then popeye), and almost didn't make it. It's been about a month since it appeared to recover(spots gone & eye is completely normal), and the flame is doing great! We feed it lots of seaweed selects soaked in zoe, along with formula one & two and flake, and we also bought some rock with a good growth of green algae on it from LFS tank for the flame to graze on. Don't put it in too soon, or you WILL have problems.


flame angels are supposed to be relativly hardy i believe. you could also look into a bicolor angel. they are very beautiful, and not as expensive as the flame. but its really just your decision.


New Member
I, personally like the flameback angel but they are a little expensive $50-60 range. Also pretty hardy and one of the more reef safe angels.


New Member
hey, you guys, thanks alot-thats great info...just one question. what is this zoe stuff that i keep hearing about? thanks!


i believe youre refering to a product called Zoecon. it is a vitamin supplement taht you soak your fish food in before you give it to them. there is also a product called zoe marine, where you justr put the stuff right in the tank. never used either.


Zoe is good for soaking seaweed selects in, so that the fish get the needed vitamins when they eat the seaweed selects. This is especially good for alge grazing fish, ie. Tangs.


Active Member
There is Zoe and Zoecon. Zoe being the original and zoecon seems to be a mix of zoe and Selcon.


I agree with the flame angel. It is a beautiful fish. I had one for a while. It brings great color to the tank.
I have a coral beauty and seems to be doing reallly good. I also use zoe and I like that also. I soak almost all there foods in it brine shrimp sea weed selects. blood worms etc. Good luck.