Flame Angel


I've wanted a Flame Angel for sometime and my lfs told me tonight that he would be fine. The thing is, it's an expensive lesson at 65$ to find out otherwise. I have seen in one or more places that he is reef safe, but my worries is with the other tank mates. Here is a stock list and please tell me if you would buy a Flame Angel.

This is a 90 gallon reef:
Lemonpeel Mimic Tang (king of the tank)
Purple Tang
2 False Percs
Yellow Watchman Goby
Yellow Tailed Damsel
2 Green Chromis
Coral Banded Shrimp
3 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Pistol Shrimp
Sally Lightfoot
5 Emerald crabs
Many hermits and blue legs
Many snails
Yellow Polyps
Bubbletip Anemone
Florida Condi Anemone
Deep Sea Yellow
Whew that's a lot of thinking... Ok so Flame Dwarf Angel or not??? :help: :thinking:


You might run into a problem with two angels in there.
Compatabity chart says add with caution for two dwarf angels.
Just got my flame. He is pretty aggresive.


I wouldn't worry about the fish, it would be your corals and such. Dwarf angels are only reef safe on occasion. It all depends on the individual. If you have an option out of the flame try and see if he leaves your stuff alone, otherwise I would think twice.


here's the thing. the angel probably will eat your corals polyps and xenias, but i have known people that buy them and they don't touch em, and they are also fed well. it is buyers beware i'm afraid.


My flame doesn't bother any of my corals.....wait maybe I should say has yet to bother any of my corals. Don't want to jinks myself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by itchy
My flame doesn't bother any of my corals.....wait maybe I should say has yet to bother any of my corals. Don't want to jinks myself.
yeah same here, it realy is a hit and a miss, some will feel the need to bother coral, some wont, depends on the personality of the perticular angel.


New Member
All angels have the potential to eat coral and other invertabrates but dwarf angels are the safest for a reef system, but it all depends on the fishes attitude towards them.
I have gotten away with putting a flame, midnight, eibli, and a coral beauty all about the same size (all dwarf angels) in a 100 gallon tank and had no problem with them eating any of my coral. (It may have been just luck, the size of the tank or the fact i tried to put them into the tank at around the same time.) but it can work. If you want one that bad only thing you can do is try it and keep your eyes open to what the fish is doing. Like the others said fish have their own personalities.
This is not Tofudy this is her husband i have kept and maintained salt water tanks and reef systems for years and in my younger days ( many many moons ago) worked in aquarium stores and like all of you I have done my fair share of research.
I hope this helps with your descision