Flame Angel


I have really wanted one for a few weeks, but from reading these forums they make its seem like they die more then they live just from the way they are caught. Any success stories to make me feel better?


Active Member
I have had mine for 5 years so far. Got it from a LFS and as always I make sure they look and act healthy and are feeding first. Also was placed in a healthy some what large system. So I call mine a success....


I was planning to order online, has not had them in stock so I am ordering from another site, which makes me nervous, By my lfs sells them for 69.99 and I am buying online for half that cost, even SWF sells them for 39.99


Active Member
Poison use during capture and copper exposure (used to control parasites ie ick) during holding are the problem.
Check with your LFS to see if they dose copper in there holding tanks. If so my advice would be to leave them a cell phone number and buy the fish before they introduce it to there tanks. They probably will not guarantee the fish under these circumstances and there is no guarantee the fish has not seen damaging levels of copper even before arriving at the LFS. Ask LFS if there wholesaler doses copper. If they are not forthcoming with this information don't buy the flame angel or any other copper sensitive fish from them.
Regrettably many LFS dose copper without even testing its levels. When a fish begins to scratch or show sings of parasites they usually just dump more copper in the system. This is also why you will most likely notice they have two different holding systems. One for fish prone to parasites and the other for inverts. They cant copper the inverts or they will die.
Believe it or not ***** despite its bad rep does not run copper in there systems, although this might not be true of all locations. It may also be part of the problem with there reputation as they are known for having parasite problems in there tanks. Answer to this is buy a fish without outward symptoms and quarantine. If you have a ***** in your area I would advise leaving them a phone number like I described above and buy the fish before it is introduced to there holding tanks. The one in my area dos not garantee SW fish any way. Keep in mind stricter acclimation procedures should be followed when acclimating a newly shipped fish.
Copper is poison and will damage the digestive system of any animal exposed to high enough levels including humans. Liver failure use to be a common death of vineyard workers due to there exposure to copper used in the industry.
If cyanide has been used to capture the fish none of the above matters; the fish will die. The only sign of cyanide exposure is unusually bright coloring.
God luck and I hope you find a quality specimen if you do take the chance. These days its becomeing next to impossible.


Active Member
I got mine from swf 6 months ago, it came in great shape, no ich, and it's as healthy as ever, but it is a bully, even though it was the last one I added.


Active Member
I haven't heard this before, now I am worried about my flame who I have had about 4 months. Would the symptoms have already showed up if they were going to, or is this something that affects them later?


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
I haven't heard this before, now I am worried about my flame who I have had about 4 months. Would the symptoms have already showed up if they were going to, or is this something that affects them later?

I think it would of shown up by now. Fish that are captured like that won't eat and are sluggish from the start.


I've heard that malnutrition is a big problem for the long term care of flame angels. I've had a flame for about 6 months and he seems to be doing well. I feed a mix of spectrum and frozen angel formula. I wouldnt really consider my angel a long term success yet. Out of curiosity, what do those of you that have kept a flame for 2+ years feed?


I have had my flame angel from a lfs for six months now too. He is doing great. No problems aside from his missing pectoral fin. Missed that when I bought him. Eats well, picks at algae and feeds on everything I drop in there.
I believe mine came from the Marshall Islands.


I got mine about 9 months ago from this site and he's doing great. THe only thing is he won't eat his veggies. He does like Mysis and picks at the rocks constantly. He's nice and chubby and not too uch of a bully.


Those flame angels are BEAUTIFUL and I want one too... But I need a bigger Tank then a 30 gallon first off