Flame Angel?


For a 55 reef tank. What do you think of this combo
Royal Gramma
Percula Clown
Little Brown Tang
Flame Angel
Currently i have the Percula, Tang, and Gramma in my tank and to finish i would like to add the flame angel. I keep on hearing a lot of different opinions about this fish. About it being a reef safe fish. Can you please let me know what you all think!
Also so i have crabs and snails in my tank i also wanted to add a red flame hawfish for a more of an "Floor" crawler what do you think?


You should be ok with the flame. It will diffinetly add color to your tank. It is reef safe, but I've heard of them pecking on polyps. For a reef tank, you're pretty much max out with the flame. You don't want to overcrowd your tank.


I have a flame angel it is awesome. I have corals and it doesn't bother them. They can be a little on the aggressive side, but I have a true perc clown and royal gramma with mine. The red flame hawkfish I don't know about. It depends on what inverts you want. They tend to eat small shrimp and other smaller inverts. I would suggest looking at the compatiablity chart on SWF.com.


Disregard (Directly) above advice. Compatability chart dosen't list inverts. Sorry, but I don't think a hawkfish is very safe, but you could try!


My suggestion about the flame hawkfish was just something I thought I heard in passing.
So disregard! But go with the flame angel.