Flame angel?

connor g

I was wondering if 1 flame angel can live in a 10 gal nap reef alone with a peppermint shrimp and some snails?


Active Member
No way! 30 gallon minimum! For a 10 gallon, your looking at some gobies, chromis, damsels, and maybe a clown.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralman05 http:///t/389305/flame-angel#post_3439864
Jewel damsel is kinda cool:D but may pick at other fish
NOT in a 10 gallon!
To the Original poster, here are some fish to think about in your 10 gallon tank:
-Neon Blue Goby
-Black Barred Convict Goby
-Cave Transparent Goby
Clown Gobies:
-Court Jester Goby
-Gold Neon Eviota Goby
-Greenbanded Goby
-Hector's Goby
-Hi Fin Red Banded Goby
-Jaguar Goby
-Masked Goby
-Orange Spotted Goby
-Rao's Dart Goby
-Red Head Goby
-Red Spotted Goby
-Red Striped Goby
-Tangaroa Goby
-Two Spot Goby
-Wheeler's Shrimp Goby
-Yellow Prawn Goby
-Yellow Priolepis Goby
-Swales Swissguard Basslet
-Yellow Assessor
-Harptail Blenny
-Tail Spot Blenny

-Longspine Cardinalfish
-Orange Lined Cardinalfish

-Helfrichi Firefish
-Purple Firefish

-Yellowhead Jawfish
-Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse
-Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse
-White Banded Possum Wrasse


Traveler, I don't agree with quite a few fish on your list for a 10G.
No wrasses, no basslets (assessors are basslets). The Catalina Goby needs much cooler water than many other tropical fish and will perish in a warmer setup long term.
To the OP, one clown would be okay, or one damsel. A smaller sand sifting goby might be acceptable depending on which one. Keep in mind that some sand sifting gobies can really create a mess in a small tank. Sand sifting gobies also have a tendency to deplete your sand bed of beneficial fauna.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Connor G http:///t/389305/flame-angel#post_3439892
Could I get away with one clown fish and maybe a sand sifting gobie?
Sand sifting gobies refers to a lot of different types of gobies. Assuming the one that your thinking of is one of the ones I listed above, and the clownfish that you want is A. Ocellaris, then I say that yes, you could get away with it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/389305/flame-angel#post_3439893
Traveler, I don't agree with quite a few fish on your list for a 10G.
No wrasses, no basslets (assessors are basslets). The Catalina Goby needs much cooler water than many other tropical fish and will perish in a warmer setup long term.
To the OP, one clown would be okay, or one damsel. A smaller sand sifting goby might be acceptable depending on which one. Keep in mind that some sand sifting gobies can really create a mess in a small tank. Sand sifting gobies also have a tendency to deplete your sand bed of beneficial fauna.
I agree with the Catalina Goby. I missed their temperature requirements. Thank you for finding that.
I do think that the Basslets and Wrasses that I listed are suitable for a 10 gallon, even though that is disputable, I think that they would be just fine.


The problem with wrasses and basslets in a 10g isn't size. They're hunters and get stressed out and sometimes even starve in anything smaller than 29G

connor g

Like what would be a good cleanup crew for a small tank? And I have come to the conclusion that I would like to do a fowlr tank and eventually upgrade to a nano reef tank.


Another option: pistol shrimp/goby pair. I love my Yasha Goby/Randalli Pistol Shrimp pair.
For a 10G CUC, I'd do (not all at once):
3 Trochus snails
3 Nassarius snails
3 Astrea or Nerite snails
1 fire shrimp or skunk cleaner shrimp