Flame Angelfish and Yellow Tang


My Yellow Tang was very territorial to my Copperband Butterfly, so much that I had to take back my CBB. Since the flame is not the same body shape as the tang do you think I would have any problems?
Hes not aggressive to the rest of the tank mates, damsel, 2 percs, and a firefish goby.


Active Member
if u hv enough lr, it should be fine. flame angels like to hide among the rockwork anyway, so the yellow tang shouldnt bother it.


I have a Scopas in with a Cherub angel. The angel bullies her a little.The angel was there first though. It was pretty bad the day that I added the scopas. Her tail got quite bitten up. I moved the rocks around but she still got chased a bit. They were fine after a few days.


I have a yellow tang and a flame angel together. they get along fine. No scermishes.
But IMO what it comes down to is space, and food supply. Both of these animals like to graze... Good luck!


Originally Posted by flpriest
I have a yellow tang and a flame angel together. they get along fine. No scermishes.
But IMO what it comes down to is space, and food supply. Both of these animals like to graze... Good luck!

Oh yes they do! I have a veggie clip at both ends of the tank...