Flame Angelfish


Not reef safe, (will pick at all corals except mushrooms) I love mine, still a juvi, but love her. She eats fauna on the rocks all day long and I suppliment her too with a sheet of nori or seaweed twice a day.


very expensive for a lil draft angle.
great addition cuz its red color.
use cautious in reef tank. It will bug Colt, Xenia, Kenya, Flower anemones, Feather Duster, and maybe more of diff. stuff I don't have in my tank.
Very territorial. Very tame.


No dwarf angel is consdered "reef safe" the coral beauty is one of the heartyest and calmest though. Each one as a different personality, watch one closely at the lfs and be sure he is eating well.


Active Member
I've had two flames, and they were both mean. Chased and stressed my other fish constantly, but neither one of them bothered my corals.


My flame angel doesn't seem that bad he chases my chromis once in a while but i wouldn't say he is mean at all. For corals i have a torch, green anemone, green star polyps and 3 different mushrooms. It really all depends on the individual of the fish some will pick at corals and some won't its all the luck of the draw. All dwarf angels are a 50/50 chance with corals. Flame angels can be mean little guys but for the most part i don't have a problem with mine for being a bully or eating my corals. GOOD LUCK!