flame angels and clams..


Active Member
is it true that you cannot keep flame angles with clams? Will they nip at the clam mantles for sure? Thanks!


Active Member
that is a depends on the fish question, mine likes to take a nip at sps but doesnt bother anything else but othe rpeople have different issues, if you have the flame already and it leaves lps alone clams may be okay but if you have the clam already you may have a problem and you might not dwarf angles are ify


My flame has never messed with my clam. He is one of my favorite fish in my tank!


Active Member
IMO they are a pain in the ---. I wish I would have never put it in...... Mine picks on everything in my tank. I'm in the process of training him to eat out of my hand so that I can snatch him up.
Good luck!!!!!