flame angels fin caught in filter!


i have a real life nemo fish :(
flames angels left fin was sliced in half atleast now he swims
like he has 1 fin.
what do i do?


Active Member
Hi Roggy, I'll try to help because I think Beth is away (no posts for 2 days).
Many of these injuries will heal. The fish needs great nutrition. Infection is your enemy here. Make sure your water quality is excellent. I would probably use StressCoat (or some other slime coat replacement product). Watch the fin closely, if it gets further fin degeneration, it may need antibiotics.
Good Luck!


thanks for your reply elf. The fish is under hypo now and ill get some stress coat and feed him properly.
he runs into the PH's water flow and gets blown all sorts of ways.. poor fella


New Member
Feeding fish with Zoe soaked food will also speed healing. I had a saltwater mollie that lost her tail fin due to a rock falling on it. I put her in a hospital tank with lights out most of the time, keep clean water with top notch quality, tried to keep my hands out as much as possible, used stress coat and Zoe. You'll notice infection, it will be swollen red streaked. If that happens maracyn or erithromicin will need to be used. Hopefully she learned her lesson and won't try this again. Best of luck.