Flame Angle, Tang, Clown Compatibility


Quick question, will a Flame angle, yellow tang, and maroon clown all get along in the same tank OK? Im also thinking of adding either a Kole or Scopus tang to this list.

who dey

Active Member
i don't know about kole or scopus but yellows, powders and hippos will do well, from experience


Active Member
I agree. They all should get along fine.
The scopas w/ the yellow could become a problem but junkabies has them together. IMO one or the other depending on tank size. Nice colors choices too. I have all of then but the scopas.


Active Member
All three have done great in my system for over 3 years now. My system is 125 gallons.


Active Member
To answer the question the yellow and a kole will get along, FME. Adding a flame and clown shouldn't be a problem either. I dont know how aggressive maroons get, but heard they can get quit nasty. Don't know anything about scopus tangs.
That said, your tank is not really big enough for 2 tangs. If you had to have 1, maybe the kole only, but check out what others say on minimum tank size.