Flame & Cherub Angel


I have a lovely juvenile Cherub Angel in a 72 gal reef tank. I would really like to add a Flame Angel. My LFS said this would be fine provided that I bought a juvenile Flame. Are these two fish compatible?


I haven't bought a flame yet because I want to make sure he'll get along with the cherub; however, I keep getting mixed reviews on their compatibility. I've talked to my lfs and they said I could try the flame and if he doesn't work out then I can bring him back and get a full refund. So I've decided to give it a go and am patiently waiting for a good one to arrive.


When you get your flame, I would take the other one out for about an hour. Then put them both in together. Also changing the landscape will help too. Angels like to swim in and out of rocks and caves, so the more rocks and hiding spaces you have, the less they will fight. Good luck.


:D Just an update. I added a flame angel to my tank yesterday. So far so good - they seem to get along very well! The flame angel is about twice the size of the cherub and I think that is probably one of the reasons it is working out so well.
CONGRATS ON YOUR NEW ADDITION... HERE'S TO MANY YEARS OF HAPPINESS AND PEACE! <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />