Flame Hawk


New Member
I was planing on adding a flame hawk , coral beauty, and a six- line wrasse to my 40gal. Does anyone know anything about a flame hawk? Will this match be ok? I have 50 lbs. of live rock in my tank so that there is plenty of hidding spaces. I've heard that they can be aggessive to small new comers once established. Should I add the coral beauty and the wrasse first and wait to add the hawk?


Active Member
I've had a flame hawk for over two years. Great fish. Have never noticed that he's been agressive to others. He is very interesting to watch and is always "perching" to pounce on morsels of meaty food.
Two thumbs up on the Hawk. If you do a search you'll pull up lots of good info, as this question has been asked often as of late.